W·O·W Assemblies

-Fellowship To Allēlōn On-


Church With·Out·Walls For
Worship With·Out·Walls!

Expressions such as ‘What church do you go to‘, ‘that’s a big old church‘, ‘don’t eat in church‘, etc., as well as ‘we gather to worship’, ‘go to worship services‘, etc., miss the mark..

The concept of church as a physical building or entity and worship as what is done in church services counters the true meanings of both.

At With·Out·Walls we don’t go to church’ nor ‘go to worship’. Instead we ‘are church‘ and as such are able to worship God every day at any place (whether jointly or separately).

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There is no biblical account of the early church having ‘worship or church services‘ or any other type of programmed gathering.

Instead the early church gathered in memory of Jesus primarily for one-anothering (edifying, loving, praying for, confessing faults to, etc) in a participatory and organic manner.

Scripturally, worship (ie to bow down, kneel, prostrate oneself) seems to have been primarily accomplished by one’s direct interaction with God — outside of church gatherings.

Our Goals

Live Christ Freely
Rather than be bound religiously!

Live Christ Freely

There are far too many ‘thou shalts’ and ‘thou shalt nots’ that spiritually bind Believers and serve to control rather than ‘make free‘.

The life to which Jesus called us is a freeing and abundant life! What exactly does it mean in practice?

With·Out·Walls believes that true freedom comes from an intimate relationship with Jesus that exposes hearts and minds to His liberties.

With·Out·Walls exists to break down the walls of spiritual restrictions counter to God’s Word to exhort the abundant life for Believers.

W·O·W is breaking down walls of
restrictive spiritual living
-one religious brick at a time-

Be The Church
Rather than the ever popular “go to church”!

Be The Church

Do you “go to church”? Well don’t. “Be the church” instead! The expression “go to church” has contributed to distorting the true meaning of church.

Church is not a place to go to. Instead God’s spiritual childrenare the church“. Your expression and understanding of church might be a measure of your level of Christian maturity.

With·Out·Walls aligns with the concept of church not being a place to attend but a body of Believers to belong.

With·Out·Walls intends to break down the walls of belief in a building as the church and conceptualize it in the manner as God does within His Word.

W·O·W is breaking down walls of
viewing church as a building
-one religious brick at a time-

Worship Every Day
Rather than only “specified days“!

Worship Every Day

Maybe you believe you should ‘go to worship‘ as though it were a service to go to – at a certain place, at a certain time and on a certain day.

But biblical worship is primarily a bowing down, kneeling, or prostrating oneself to God and is an every day connection.

With·Out·Walls not only promotes daily intimacy with the Lord without restriction to time or place, but also supports growing in and living for the Lord With·Out·Walls.

With·Out·Walls looks to break down the walls of worship restrictions in order to develop daily expressions and experiences.

W·O·W is breaking down walls of
worship practices
-one religious brick at a time-

Feed One’s Self
Rather than rely on others to “feed“ you

Feed One’s Self

Who has to be fed by someone else because they are unable to feed themselves? Babies! Certain disabled! Some who are incapacitated!

There may be others but you would expect those of a certain age and with certain abilities to be able to feed themselves. Should that also apply to feeding off the nourishment that God provides for us?

With·Out·Walls believes there is rampant spiritual malnourishment primarily due to conditioning and dependence. We believe you can and should “feed” and nourish yourself

With·Out·Walls hopes to break down the walls of needing to be “fed so as to grow to “feed” self and others.

W·O·W is breaking down walls of
spiritually deficient nutrition
-one religious brick at a time-

Assemble God’s Way
Rather than in instutionalized ways!

Assemble God’s Way

The organic expression of church gatherings have been replaced with organized alterations that are copies of copies.

WALLS of ISMs such as traditionalisms, ritualisms and more have been built up over centuries by religious leaders and Believers that deviate from God’s way.

Most modern churches have become structurally ‘systematized’ and monetarily ‘incentivized’ corporations operated by CEO-styled religious leaders primarily for personal popularity, gain or power.

With·Out·Walls aims to break down the walls of the “church system” so as to function more like the Lord’s organic church and less like the institutionalized corporate church.

W·O·W is breaking down walls of
church system ‘services’
-one religious brick at a time-

Learn Scripture Contextually
Rather than reading in personal meanings!

Learn Scripture Contextually

What if I told you the Word of God teaches to hate and to kill and to judge and other actions considered negative?

It does if you read those passages out of context. This way of learning God’s Word is not how it is to be used and understood.

With·Out·Walls concerns itself with contextual learning. And though it is great to understand the cultural, historical, and linguistic background of God’s Word, many times it may not be necessary when surrounding text is considered.

With·Out·Walls seeks to break down the walls of learning scripture non-contextually to instead understand the fullness of what God wants us to know from His perspective.

W·O·W is breaking down walls of
non-contextual scripture learning
-one religious brick at a time-

Unite In Spirit
Rather than divide and exclude in body

Unite In Spirit

Today Christianity is marred by the practice of exclusion against other Believers in Jesus — the very same practice that Jesus sought to eradicate during His ministry.

Believers in Jesus, instead of unifying, seem more interested in rifts, divisions and separations between one another.

With·Out·Walls believes that unity in Spirit is possible, and we strive to build bridges between Believers in Jesus in a spirit of love and compassion for one another

With·Out·Walls shares in the efforts to break down the walls that divides in order to unite in Spirit and not exclude any who have put on Christ.

W·O·W is breaking down walls of
divisions among Believers
-one religious brick at a time-

Accept God’s Truths
Rather than hold to the traditions of men

Accept God’s Truths

When Jesus proclaims knowing the truth in essence He was proclaiming knowing Him. Jesus is the Word and the Word is truth.

The truth is what makes one free — free from the sins and strongholds of a selfishly depraved world that unfortunately include many of the traditions propagated by religious leaders and their religious institutions.

Religious laws and traditions of men create a blindness to God’s truth that the masses follow. It is a case of the blind leading the blind.

With·Out·Walls believes that you can know how to distinguish the truth yourself.

With·Out·Walls hopes to break down the walls of following traditions of men in order to follow the truths of God.

W·O·W is breaking down walls of
traditions of men
-one religious brick at a time-

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